Monday, September 26, 2005

The General's Daughter

Grand National Party chairwoman Park Geun-hye dons military fatigues for target practice on Monday.
For those of you not following Republic of Korea (aka: South Korea) politics in detail, this is the daughter of General (and President) Park Chung Hee. Some Koreans feel very conflicted about General Park. He ruled the south with an iron fist, but also set the south on the road to economic devleopment and subsequent greatness.
Now Park Guen-hye seems to be a probable presidential candidate for the next election creating the very interesting possibility of the Park family running Korea again, but this time through a free election. Let's hope wearing fatigues and firing an assault rifle isn't her
Dukakis -in-the-tank moment.
Meanwhile, opposition groups are attempting to label Park Chun Hee a collaborator with the Japanese, which doesn't really seem to be getting much traction as far as cutting into Park Guen-hye's support. (I'll post more on the issue of Japanese collaboration later.


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