An Army of One Tough Chick
This story of a young soldier from Camp Humphreys, Korea, reminds me of the Army I use to know. We had a bunch of young hard drinking, drinkers who seemed to spend most of their off duty time getting into fights with each other. It was right after the fall of South Viet Nam and the Army was in rather shakey condition at that time.
In addition, Detachment B, 516th Personnel Services Battalion, grew out of my old units back in the day when I was in the land of the morning calm (Korea). They were formerly known as the Military Personnel Center-Korea (MILPERCEN-K) and then the 8th Personnel Command (8th PERSCOM0. I'm glad to see the Adjutant General Corps is living up to its tradition of helping to keep the Military Police blotter full.
DISCLAIMER: I want to say that the current Army is a fine group and doing a fine job. It's hard to believe that such a superior fighting force has grown out of the wreckage of the 1970s.
In addition, Detachment B, 516th Personnel Services Battalion, grew out of my old units back in the day when I was in the land of the morning calm (Korea). They were formerly known as the Military Personnel Center-Korea (MILPERCEN-K) and then the 8th Personnel Command (8th PERSCOM0. I'm glad to see the Adjutant General Corps is living up to its tradition of helping to keep the Military Police blotter full.
DISCLAIMER: I want to say that the current Army is a fine group and doing a fine job. It's hard to believe that such a superior fighting force has grown out of the wreckage of the 1970s.
Wow! A BCD for bar brawling? This type of punishment would've decimated my old unit. Once, someone popped a tear gas grenade at the 50 Stater club in Granfenwohr, and the duty officer wouldn't let the MPs into tent city to apprehend the suspect (who had entered the area in a hijacked bus with other suspects a good half minute ahead of the MP pack). MPs were furious, but the LT said that he wouldn't allow the troops to have their sleep disrupted just because of the actions of a "few bad apples." There was laughter from the tents when some of the apples heard the LT. The MPs left in a cold fury, and the transgressor got his article 15 and did his extra punishment like a man. (The MPs, CID, and, eventually, the FBI, were less understanding about a later incident involving a bar room grudge and a molotov cocktail thrown into the offending unit's barracks.)
I say hand her the Article 15 and put her and the boyfriend in for a transfer to convey security in Iraq.
You have a good idea. Instead of a discharge them these young folks should be sent to Iraq where they can channel their aggression into a mission acocmplishment action.
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