Wooden Nickles Golden Dollars
Like the Segway scooter, an answer to a question never asked by the public, the US government is trying to push dollar coins on us again. Based upon my experience in retail and sales this will never work. For some reason, people when presented with a dollar coin will react like a vampire that's been offered garlic. You see the fear and loathing right away, and then they quickly request a paper dollar, which if i didn't have any paper bills in my cash box or register drawer they would only take reluctantly.
Let's put this poor idea to rest. Yes, the dollar coin is a great idea form several standpoints, but the money using public hates it. Unless the Treasury department is willing to go back to a true silver dollar, the dollar coin will never be loved or used.
Forget it, move on, think of another idea for a better form of hard currency.
Let's put this poor idea to rest. Yes, the dollar coin is a great idea form several standpoints, but the money using public hates it. Unless the Treasury department is willing to go back to a true silver dollar, the dollar coin will never be loved or used.
Forget it, move on, think of another idea for a better form of hard currency.
I dread going to the Post Office without an ATM card because I always get back dollar coins in change. When I try to give them away to to the homeless on Broadway, they look at me as if I'm the one smoking crack and seem reluctant to accept the coins.
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