An Almost Better Shave
My old microscreen Remington was ready to bite the dust. I was considering the various brands and features when I came across this rather simple design from Panasonic that has an option of using the shaver in the shower and/or with shaving cream.
I bought the Panasonic. I found that this strikes a neat compromise between slower shaving with a blade and a fast past with an electric shaver.
I'm not saying the Panasonic gets as close as a safety razor, but it does cut wiskers close and does so with reduced irritation.
P.S. I'm not getting any money for this just trying to help my fellow guys out.
Price is right. Tried a Panasonic few years back. My problem is that I drop shabvers, and the Panasonic blades bent and ripped through the screen when I turned it on. So far the cord Norelco is is doing fine, shaves close enough when I celean the blades, and alwayhs bounces back just as good as new. Only problem with shavers ios that a)you have to shave twice a day, before breakfast ansd lunch b)they turn into face massagers after several months.
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