Ajax Fever Srikes
The thing that is Ajax--which I don't know anything about technical details--continues to pick up speed with developers. Today I came across the ulitmate next step an Ajax OS. I'm not sure what an OS in a browser offers, but I'm looking forward to the release. You can read the details here. This reminds me of the dot.com boom when there was still an open question as to if the Mac, Windows, Linux, or B operating system would be the next hot thing. Let's face it, waiting for the next news release from Microsoft on Office 2007 is pretty boring. I'm glad to see new ideas and user interfaces even if they don't make it in the market or change the world.
Also, I've found an Ajax spreadsheet viewer here.
Also, I've found an Ajax spreadsheet viewer here.
Sort of like Linux: won't succeed until they get a good solitaire game to go with it.
Ajax's success will come if it enhances the delivery of porn.
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