Thursday, May 17, 2007

Saints for True Sinners

Let us say you're a godless drug dealer...Well, actually, chances are you aren't godless and you've got a couple of patron saints to help you in the drug trade.

You would probably have one or two of the following
in your wallet or a figurine on your dash board:

Jesus Malverde is very popular
and hales from Mexico where he is known as a sort of Robin Hood like folk figure.

In addition, if your gang is from central america, you might also pay your respects to Maximon, the Guatemalan patron saint of the underworld, or Santa Muerte - "Saint Death."

Maximon (aka San Simon) in folklore a Spanish catholic priest who helped locals

Santa Muerte (aka Santa Muerte, La Santísima Muerte, and as Doña Sebastiana )
Probably a blend of Aztec religion and European folk lore.

None of the above
three are official saints in any church.

So, in addition to blue or red colors and gang signigs, you can also add the
mustachioed one or the skeleton as indicators of people you should avoid.

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Blogger Diligent Blogger said...

If only my parochial school had passed cards with those saints!

1:24 PM  

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