Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Once More Down the Freeway of Memories

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I bought it in 1978, drove it until 1988, garaged it two years, and then sold it in 1990. I loved the lines of my Volvo P1800, but I never had enough money to really fix it up. I learned that if you want to fix a car up you need a lot of money and a lot of time. There are no easy or cheap ways to a nice sports car.

This picture was taken in 1979 when the car was looking its best. I had just got it back from the body shop all the dents had been smoothed out and a fresh coat of paint applied.

It had a 1.8 liter, in-line four, motor. The transmission was a four speed with an electrically activated overdrive. The overdrive made it a nice highway cruiser. In addition, like all true sports cars, the motor featured two SU carburetors.

A really nice thing the P1800 had that many sports cars didn't have was a real trunk. You could put a lot luggage in the back (in fact some purist used this as a reason to argue that the P1800 wasn't a true sports car). The one other thing I have to say in praise of the P1800 is that it would always start for me no matter how cold the weather.

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Blogger Diligent Blogger said...

I always loved the P1800 because it was the car that Roger Moore drove in the "The Saint." See:

9:18 AM  
Blogger Steve said...

During the early 80s the P1800 was--unfortunately--linked with Yuppies when one of the main characters in the show "Thirty-Something" drove one.


11:40 AM  

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