Friday, November 18, 2005

Put Down the Crack Pipe

TedTurner, another man like Jimmy Carter (who never met a communist dictator he didn't like), is proposing a park for the Korean demilitarized zone (aka: DMZ). Like the Holy Roman Empire--it wasn't Roman and it wasn't Holy--the there is nothing demilitarized about the DMZ and a person would have to be daft in the head to think that all the North Koreans need is a smile and a hug to make them into good people. Ted go back to baseball or whatever it is you do with yourself now a days.
The money quote in this story is:
Mounir Bouchenaki, UNESCO's assistant director-general for culture, called Turner's proposal "very interesting" and said it should be explored. He said it would preserve the DMZ as a place of peace.
I can just see Bouchinake trying to edge to door and make his escape before Ted really goes over the edge and starts talking about how aluminum foil can block the mind control rays and he got the idea for DMZ park from the queen of the space unicorns.


Blogger Diligent Blogger said...

Ted Turner ranks almost as high as the Antichrist: this was revealed when he colorized classic movies ("The Maltese Falcon" in fake Technicolor? The shame!) His massive ego no doubt allows him to identify with communist tyrants. One would wish Turner a horrible fate, but he has already been married to Jane Fonda.

10:34 PM  

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