Kill Barbie!
According to this article from the online edition of the Boston Globe when I get home this evening I'll need to say: "Get me my shotgun Ma! There's vermin in the daughter's room! Them Barbies and Bratz dolls is rotten our little dear's mind."
I know nostalgia for 70s is big this year, but this dusty track raging against the reality that little girls like to act like princess and play with dolls is so out of date and ridiculous you could have run it in the National Lampoon and, without changing a word, have people believing they were reading a parody of high sounding tripe that use to be published in NOW magazine.
My daughter loves Barbies and Bratz and also likes math and science and wants to be a zoologist. A child's mind can try on lots of roles and play many scenarios without it meaning they are stuck in one track for their life.
Ladies (as I'm sure you wouldn't want me to call you girls) go back to your ivory tower and leave parenting to the parents.