Monday, December 12, 2005

Homeopathic vets under fire

In a new article (subscription required for the full text) we learn that: "...that the claimed effectiveness of homeopathic veterinary medicine has no more solid scientific evidence behind it than voodoo...."

Now if only that same skeptism and keen wit woud be turned to homepathy for humans the world would be little better place.


Blogger Diligent Blogger said...

Don't forget the pet counselors out there who will communicate with your pets for $100 so that they become more fulfilled and self actualized.

10:08 AM  
Blogger Steve said...

A co-worker once told me of consulting a pet psychologist about their dog's behavior. I would picture the out come would be: "Your dog is worried because you're spending too much money on bogus activities."

9:29 AM  

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